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Sulphur concrete

Sulphur concrete is an artificial rock-like material that is a set sulphur concrete mixture. In composition sulfur concrete is a composite material consisting of sulfur binder, inert aggregates and fillers.

 Inert aggregates and fillers are very diverse. Crushed stone, sand, gravel, smelter slag and other solids may be used as the aggregates and fillers as well as for regular concrete. 

 In the result of scientific experiment it was found that It’s more appropriate to use modified sulphur in production of sulphur concrete.

 People started to actively study sulphur concrete in North America in the 70s of the 20th century when it was proved that sulphur concrete and sulphur asphalt are safe for the environment. Later in the 80-90s when hydrocarbon production increased, so did the production of sulphur as the product concomitant to oil and gas.

 Obtained results show that in terms of density, voids content and watertightness sulphur composites are vastly superior to classic cement mixtures. For example, watertightness of the structures made of these materials is by 10-20 times more than the one of similar heavy-weight concrete constructions.

 Another important factor is the durability of coatings which is almost by five times more than the values of used products of cement binders.

 Sulphur concrete is used in structural elements of residential buildings and industrial facilities, during the operation of which high values of weather and frost resistance, impermeability and increased corrosive resistance are required.

Sulphur Concrete

Sulphur Concrete

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